Friday, July 23, 2010

Restaurant Photos

What do you do when you're in a nice Asian restaurant for lunch and your four-year-old gets restless? Hand him the camera and watch him go!
So here it is, documentation of our lunch today, in the order that they were taken!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Time capsule.

Amos received his camera last November, when we were in Nashville for Thanksgiving. It was pretty fun to look back and see what pictures were on there from the winter.
From November:

From the end of January (yes, I am SO pregnant!)...

Cutie bug, trying to figure it all out!

Monday, July 12, 2010

All about the new firetruck...

(A paraphrased story by Amos...)

I got a new firetruck! It's red and it has big wheels and a big ladder. It has a light that goes on when it drives really fast.

On my pretend fire truck, there is an arm like a garbage truck (but no garbage) and it has a dark blue grabber that grabs onto telescopes when spaceships come. It grabs a spaceships and throws it and then the spaceship flies all by himself in space.
And that's all!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Self Portraits

Yesterday, I taught Amos how to set the timer on his camera. It's so easy on his model (A Sony Cybershot with 3.2 Mega Pixels!)...he literally pushes two different buttons and then poses. He took many self portraits yesterday and some today...


Amos is a ten days shy of his fourth birthday. GrrDada gave him a camera when we were in TN for Thanksgiving last year, and even though he took a few pictures last winter, his interest hasn't really picked up until now.
It's been comical, actually, to watch him run around and take pictures of absolutely everything! He is such a funny and creative here's a way for us to capture this time.